Have you ever seen my mom and superman in the same room? Me either. This weekend I realized the millionth reason why I KNOW my mom is superWOman. Her mother, my grandma Carol passed away last Thursday. SO my beautiful mother put together an incredible funeral, complete with a musical number by all 12 grandchildren that she managed to get other the same roof at the same time (We have some from Vegas, Washington, and all over Utah) She barely shed a single tear, and just pretty much held everybody else together. She has taken care of my beautiful grandmother for over 40 years. Being by her side through everything, whether it was convenient for her or not. She held her hand at the hospital as she was dying. That is true bravery. Facing a problem rather than hiding in the corner. She is my example of strength. Just holding those around her up with a smile on her face. I love this woman more than she'll ever realize. Now she gets to take on the responsibility of helping my cute little grandpa keep it together until he can do it himself.
On another note, I worry about my Grandpa so much. What do you tell a 66 year old man to do all day when all he ever knew was caring for his wife? He is just so loving. Ever since she died last Thursday he has come to my moms several times to see if we need anything. I am so grateful for the knowledge we have, that my grandma is waiting for us, and we WILL see her again someday. What a beautiful funeral today for such a beautiful woman.
A little note to my Grandma:
I know we didn't have the closest relationship in the world. But I hope you realize how much you meant to me and how much I loved you. Please watch over Grandpa and my mom especially. They need you. I promise to take care of them for you, and we will all be up there before you know it. And make sure you teach my future babies everything you know before you send them down to me. Take care of them and love them for me, because they need to know they have a great grandma as their guardian angel. I will always be your Panda Bear. See you soon. I love you so much ♥