I am a blogging slacker... I'll just throw that out there ;). Life has been crazy busy lately, but we love every minute of it... Our work schedules are still making it hard to see eachother besides at night when were asleep. HOWEVER, Nick got the job at his work that he has wanted forever! Which means he is working days again, and I get to make him dinner!! He will be a webpage content person at USANA, so he's with the same company, just no more customer service, which he is VERY happy about. TOday is his last day EVER doing customer service (he hopes). Now we just have to find me a job I can be a LITTLE bit happy at, to help support him through school...
Everyone always posts stats about there babies when they take them to the dr, so since Gilly is my baby and we took him to get his shots yesterday, i thought id share how hes doing ;) Hes about 47 pounds which is very healthy for a 1 year old ;) and he is extremely healthy. No problems at all. He's such a sweet boy, and VERY cuddly... He's a mommy's boy at night but the second Nick leaves he stares out the window and wimpers til he gets home. Nick thinks its cute, I wanna punch him. LOL
I also got braces yesterday, OWIE, very sore today. But sooo glad Im doing this. I havent been happy with my smile for several years, and the dentist we go to gave us a killer deal on both top and bottom braces, so I got the top on yesterday and the bottoms will be next thursday!
I've also been having more issues with my heart lately. For those who dont know, I have a heart defect where my heart starts fluttering (beating super fast) for a few minutes then stops beating for like 8 seconds, then goes back to normal. The doctors dont want to do surgery because they know what causes it (Blood getting stuck in one spot rather than circulating) and it wont kill me. But lately I've had REALLY sharp pains in my chest as well. So I have to go get tests done the day before my birthday (June 28th) so I can get it all figured out :) I'll keep you posted on that :)
My sweet little Nephew Noah is almost 6 weeks old already :( He is growing so fast and gets cuter everyday. Rachel is such an amazing mom, and Casey is the perfect dad. Noah is such a lucky boy!!
Here are a few pics to go with this update ;)
Noah Case... Excuse the Yankees blanket.. Hes really not a fan.
Bahaha I had to prove to Nick I wasnt a nerd... FAIL
Me sweet cuddly baby!!
I cant believe its been over a year... Best year of my life.... Love you babe!