Sunday, April 14, 2013

He had me from hello ♥

This past week, Nicholas and I celebrated our third anniversary.  He has made me sooo happy the last few years.  It's already been one heckuva ride, I can't wait to see what the rest of eternity has in store for us.

Last night we had the opportunity to see our best friend, Jake, perform improv at quick wits, while we were there they did a game called human prop, they called up a guy out of the audience, and Jake said "we have a LOT of guys on the team, bring his lady friend up too" so they both came up, and long story short they used her as a music box, Jake said "this is a WAY better box" and the boy got on one knee and proposed.  It was such a beautiful ceremony.  It reminded me of when Nick proposed to me.  I am pretty sure I have shared it here before, but I am scared if I don't document it, I will forget the details. So here it is:

We met on my 20th birthday (June 28th), Started dating on July 4th, and moved extremely fast and went through a lot the first 3 weeks we were together (My cousin passed away unexpectedly, and his Grandpa succumbed to multiple illnesses within 3 days of eachother.  We knew once we made it through that, that it was meant to be.  On November 15th he texted me and asked if I wanted to go for a drive.  I was a brat and said "nah, just come over and we will watch a movie"  my mom kept saying he probably just wants to go tell you how much he loves you, you should spend some time alone with him to make sure you feel the same.  I kept saying "Can't he tell me how much he loves me in front of the fire, so I can stay in my jammies?" again, I'm a BRAT!  So he came and picked me up, and we hiked up the mini mountain/ hill we went to on our first date.  We got to the top and he sat on a rock and handed me a note.  The note listed everything he loved about me, and that he loved me more than anything on this earth (I hope I still have that letter somewhere :|) and the final paragraph said "since this is where we started our Journey, I figure this should be where we take the next step, Check your cell phone" so I looked at my phone (there was about 30 messages, and it froze so we waited for it to restart. I got it to work and read a few messages. they mostly said "say yes".  I got HUGE butterflies in my tummy, and looked up at him. He was on one knee with tears in his eyes and said " I love you sooo much, will you be my wife?"  I couldn't stop kissing him and crying.  I don't think I officially told him yes until we were in the car on the way home.  I am sooo blessed to be his wife and have never ONCE regretted that decision ♥

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